
Posted by Ángelito on/at 5:17 PM

So, I openly admit that I'm ADDICTED to the Cut (click the link to the right).
I'm a sarcastic person myself, and I tend to find anything the writer, Amy Odell, or the Fug Girls write, very enticing and LITERALLY laugh out loud funny.
Anyhow, as I was reading the articles on the Cut, I quickly noticed an "F," an "I," and a "T," together, which spelt FIT. And what do you know, as soon as I realized the word FIT, I also noticed the words accompanying the headline. Coke pushing?
WAIT, what?!
Yeah, so it seems as if there was an incident in which two freaking FIT (Yeah, THAT FIT, Fashion Institute Of Technology) students were arrested because they were drug dealing at the university.
You don't know how upset and how disappointed I felt.
(If you didn't know, I applied to FIT at the end of November, and ultimately, as of last Sunday, I wasn't accepted.)
But what pissed me off even more is that:
  1. I'm not a drug dealer
  2. I don't do drugs
  3. I consider myself pretty talented, enough to apply FIT, and thought to believe I'd be accepted hands down.

Instead, I've been turned down, only to find out that two idiots who thought drug pushing was okay to begin with, were attending the school of MY dreams.

This really brings a new meaning to the phrase "Life isn't fair."

At least I'll be happy knowing that these two were stupid enough to do such an act, and stupid enough to get caught. So, we'll all be in the same predicament, which is, NONE OF US WILL BE ATTENDING FIT.


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Is this my limit?
Can I endure some more?
Chances I'm given, QUESTION EXISTING