
Posted by Ángelito on/at 2:07 PM


So due to having to work last night, I had to catch a re-cap of the Oscars online.

I came across Beyoncé's performance and saw a glimpse of her in a revealing red number and thought - oh, maybe this is a past performance I've never seen.


It was yesterday's.

Loved where the production was going...until lame-o Hugh Jackman and his broadway persona showed up...but I stayed content.

About clicked the "X," when I saw the disgustingly wannabe perfect couple Zac & Vanessa appear...and then they had the audacity to interrupt B's one thousandth performance of "At Last," with their wack, off-key vocals.

(Forgive me for saying this, but, at the time she started singing "At Last," I was really hoping for a surprise bitch slap from Etta James. I love 'ol girl, but the song was memorable for the presidential first dance and should have ended there.)

Oh but it gets so much more cheesier.

So Zac & Vanessa, Amanda and what's his face finish singing to each other, and they all start belting out "Mamma Mia."

Yeah, seriously.

I believe I had enough in me to watch the rest of the performance only out of respect for my love of Beyoncé.

Could this possibly be the FIRST time in MY LIFE, that I've actually felt disappointed by B's appearance?

I'm afraid it's so...

& please...spare me the trash you're going to talk about that dress.

I'm just going to imagine that she wore something fking AMAZING.

(Looks like Mama Tina took to the stylist throne this round.)

(Damn girl, even Taraji had a better dress than you. But props for not looking a mess like Whoopi.)


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