
Posted by Ángelito on/at 1:06 PM

Wait, wait...

Wasn't this the guy featured on almost every magazine during the end of last year, the super athlete that competed at the 2008 Olympics, walking away with a record 8 medals?

Yes it is.

What a surprise that Michael Phelps, every young swimmer's role model, was caught smoking out of a bong while partying in November.

My question is, why the hell would this picture surface almost three months after it was taken?

Did they have to I.D. the picture and make sure that it was Phelps himself?

This post wasn't created to harm his image, let alone criticize him for his actions. The whole world seems to be in shock, whereas, in my opinion, I think it's quite funny. That's what happens when society puts someone of much success on a pedestal, it becomes too much pressure, and they resort to doing such activities to create some sort of realness that they are still a human being.

People wake up, not everyone is perfect! All the parents/adults criticizing Michael for smoking pot should aim a little closer to home and realize that maybe their children aren't as cute and innocent as they thought. For all they know they're probably frequenting every weekend party, loading up on syringes and heroin and coming home after a few days when they look somewhat normal only to tell you that they're tired and had only a couple drinks while they were away.

I hope Phelps isn't categorized alongside Amy Winehouse - after all, she was caught smoking crack cocaine (something I believe is a HELL OF A LOT WORSE than marijuana).

Props to Michael for showing society that he can still be a bonafied bad-ass for winning those medals, even when something like this has surfaced.

Perhaps this was the 'performance enhancing drug,' that brought him success.

(Image courtesy of News Of The World)


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