

So I'm pretty much hooked on the Yahoo! start page on my cousin's computer.

I know that there is always something I'm going to love reading.

I was so surprised by this article and the headline that accompanied it.

"Tyra's True Confession,"

"The dynamic ex-supermodel has built a media empire, but one person still makes her jealous..."

I was sure that this answer was a given - Beyoncé - like, hello, she is always talking about her, always featuring her on her show, so it was predictable. I just wanted to know that I was right so I clicked on the link that followed.

What kind of boring ass answer?

Oprah Winfrey?

Please Tyra, don't you know that everyone is jealous of Oprah?

And your whole lie-detecting episode was...interesting.

Everyone knew it wasn't real and you just wanted to find a reason to talk about yourself, like always.

Here's the scoop.

(Does anyone else think that she damn near might be Kimora's sister in this picture?)



Alright y'all.

A little video update from Miss Keri.

Enjoy how cute she is.



Do you remember Amanda Diva?

Many know her by the quirky personality she possessed as a VJ on MTV.

But there are those who see past that, and who know her as "Amanda Diva, the lyricist," that she was before her VJ gig.

If you're ready for some good music, click here.

She debuts a fresh perspective, because we can only take so much of the trash they play on the radio nowadays.

BTW, the title is adorable, don't you think? She proposed it because it's three of her favorite things, "Spandex, Rhymes, & Soul."

("Right Round," is a perfect example. When a "rapper," has to have an 80's flashback turned horribly wrong to produce a crowd pleaser, we know that he is no longer considered a rapper, but a joke.)


So it's not surprising that Rihanna & Chris got back together - well it is a bit - because we were all hoping that Rihanna wouldn't be like any other stupid broad and continue to be in love with someone who beat the ish out of you - but it was made official when they were spotted at Diddy's in Miami.

It just proves they'll continue to live like every domestic abuse couple.

Congratulations to the new Ike & Tina Turner of 2009, we hope that you'll survive Rihanna, and ultimately, after 20 years of abuse, you'll leave his ass and come out on top - when you're 45 years old.

It leaves me with one question:
WHY CAN'T YOU be like Beyoncé? You don't see Jay tossin' her around.


This is another reason why I hate watching sappy, sorry, and over-emotional reality shows.

The Bachelor.

I've never seen an episode a day in my life - until last night. I was sitting at Motel 6 keeping my best friend company (especially now that they don't have a couch anymore because nobody cared to sit at the front desk, but 8 hours at Motel 6 could make a sane man crazy) and I happened to catch the last five minutes of the show when he surprised this girl Melissa with a proposal.

Ten minutes later and they're broadcasting "The Bachelor: After The Final Rose," or some ish like that, and he "SHOCKS," (it can't be shocking when you know how predictable reality TV is, when the happiness turns sour) viewers, saying that things didn't work out between him and Melissa. (Duh, the whole relationship was staged.)

Just like any other regular dude would, he turns to his sloppy seconds, Molly, and reveals that he is in love with her and couldn't stop thinking about her while he was with Melissa.

But Melissa sure made it hard for this sucker, and just like any other strong willed woman, she doesn't fall for Jason's soap opera dialogue and googly eyes.

Now this is the part of reality TV that I love to watch.


So it's really frustrating knowing that I don't use the computer as much as I used to, only because of the fact that the recession has whipped me up in its whirlwind and left me without a job.

That job provided me with constant internet and a fast computer.

Now getting on the computer seems like such a pain. Ha Ha, & I think it's because I'm way too lazy now.


Rumored choreography for "EGO," and "VIDEO PHONE."

To tell the truth I didn't even make it through both because I already knew that Beyoncé would tear this ish up when it became official. That & the fact that one of the male dancers was wearing a fluorescent tutu - which was totally ridiculous by the way.

Oh my gosh and another thing.

I watched the most recent episode of the "Bad Girls Club," and can't even believe the mess that's going on! If both of the Ambers' were smart, they would have the girls get together so they could just start beating the sh*t out of them. After all, they complain that they want to go home, and like any other reality show, the number one rule that will get you kicked out immediately is fighting. At least they would do themselves justice with some kicking and punching before leaving.

Saw previews for the next episode and it looks as if one of the Ambers' did do the above - I just hope that Aliyah got a piece of that action because the bi*ch deserves to be knocked sideways.

Even though I hate the "Fab 5," (there's nothing fabulous about them) I can't seem to get over Ashley. Maybe its her eyebrows I love so much. NOT.



So it's known that the music industry is TERRIBLY DIFFICULT (yeah, for you aspiring songwriters, musicians, singers, producers, blah blah blah) to get into, but what I don't know understand is how this woman was not noticed way early on, when she was with Timbo on "The Way I Are."

Pretty faces are a dime a dozen but this chick has it on lockdown.

And now, she's finally getting the credit she deserves.

All those rappers talkin' about swagger better step that ish up because it's a female's world now (at least you'll believe it after seeing Beyoncé's "Diva," and Keri's video below, "Turnin' Me On,") and they're not taking no for an answer.

Can I get a hell yeah for that houndstooth corset?

The only disadvantage to the video is featuring that mini Predator, who looks like the piranha he's talking about in the song with those sharp teeth of his.